How this works

Each week you need to complete up to 1 Short Interval (SI), 1 Long Interval (LI), 2 Stregnth & Conditioning routines (SC), and 1 Practice Distance (PD).
You can complete in any order that fits your work and lifestyle the best. Try to come up with some sort of cycle for yourself.

Week 3, Day 1 - SI 4

3 Rounds of...
8 Tabata Rounds (20 seconds ON, 10 seconds OFF)
Rest 3:00 after the first 8 Rounds, and another 3:00 after the second 8 Rounds
*Use a steep hill if possible
**If you're using a treadmill use 10% incline
***If the hill isn't long enough just to your best. If it has to be flat then so be it, just be fast!

Post distances/speeds and comments


  1. Con Jr and I will be running this tomorrow after our strength workout... I'm taking her to Esco and we will be running it on a steep hill. Pause for reaction post workout tomorrow, it's going to be a good one!

  2. Sounds perfect. Should be interesting. Let's build on the we've already seem. The distances will finally feel like they're getting longer now that we're getting into runs that take more than an hour.

  3. D we rock everything we DO! love ya buddy!
