How this works

Each week you need to complete up to 1 Short Interval (SI), 1 Long Interval (LI), 2 Stregnth & Conditioning routines (SC), and 1 Practice Distance (PD).
You can complete in any order that fits your work and lifestyle the best. Try to come up with some sort of cycle for yourself.

Week 7, Day 5 - Practice Distance 8

10 miles and a comfortable pace

Post times to comments

Weel 7, Day 4 - SC 2

Strength & Conditioning:
Push Press
5,5,5,5,5 (increase the load for each set of 5)

5 Rounds for time...
15 Thrusters (men 65 lbs, women 45 lbs)
15 SDHP (men 65 lbs, women 45 lbs)
Run 400 meters

Post times and Compare to Week 1, Day 4 to comments

Week 7, Day 3 - LI 2

3 Rounds of..
2000 meters (1.25 miles)
*3:00 recovery
**hold all efforts within 10 seconds (25 pushup penalty)

Post times and Compare to Week 1, Day 3 to comments

Week 7, Day 2 - SC 1

Skill & Strength:
Back Squats
5,5,5,5,5,5 (increase the load for each set)
*try to improve from Week 1, Day 2

30-25-20-15-10 reps for time...
Pullups/ Ring Rows

Post times and Compare results from Week 1, Day 2

Week 7, Day 1 - SI 2

4 Rounds of...
(200 + 400 + 600 meters)
*rest 1:1 of the previous round
**run 200 meters in 20 seconds, rest 20 seconds, run 400 meters in 45 seconds, rest 45 seconds, etc

Post times and Compare to Week 1, Day 1 to comments

Week 7 Schedule

On the Agenda...
Short Interval 2
Strength & Conditioning 1
Long Interval 2
Strength & Conditioning 2
Practice Week: 10 miles @ easy pace

Week 6, Day 5 - Practice Distance 7

Run (recovery)
Run for specific time (see comments for time)

Week 6, Day 4 - SC 12

Skill & Strength:
Stretch for 20 minutes

For time...
50 Ring Rows
50 Burpees
50 Situps
50 Squats

Post times to comments

Week 6, Day 3 - LI 1

6 Rounds
800 meters (2:00 recoveries)
* all efforts within 8 seconds
** 50 squat penalty

Post times to comments

Week 6, Day 2 - SC 11

Skill & Strength:
3 x max time (60 sec recoveries)

3 Rounds for time...
30 Overhead Squats (men 75 lbs, women 45 lbs)
30 Wall Wall (men 20 lbs, women 14 lbs)

Post times to comments

Week 6, Day 1 - SI 1

3 Rounds of...
1 min ON, 1 min OFF
1 min ON, 50 sec OFF
1 min ON, 40 sec OFF
1 min ON, 30 sec OFF
1 min ON, 20 sec OFF
1 min ON, 10 sec OFF
(straight into round two)

Post total distance

Week 6 Schedule

On the Agenda...
Short Intervals 1
Strength & Conditioning 11
Long Interval 1
Strength & Conditioning 12
Practice Distance: Run for specific time

Week 5, Day 5 - Practice Distance 6

Run (Choice)
1. 8 mile Time Trial - as fast as possible
2. Run for particular Time (see comments for exact run times)

Post times to comments

Week 5, Day 4 - SC 10

Barefoot Jump Rope
set timer for 10 minutes
*do as many as you can, singles double, one foot, runners - all good, anything goes

5 Rounds for time...
Row 500 meters
30 Swings (men 53 lbs, women 35 lbs)
30 Jumping Lunges (15R/15L)

Post times to comments

Week 5, Day 3 - LI 6

3 Rounds of...
1200 meters
*6-10% Incline!
**1:1 ration of work to rest (rest how long it takes to finish interval)

Post times to comments

Week 5, Day 2 - SC 9

Weighted Good Mornings
5,5,5,5,5,5 (increase the load for each set of 5)

AMRAP: 20 minutes (as many rounds as possible)
5 Deadlifts (men 115 lbs, women 80 lbs)
10 Burpees
5 DBL DB Thrusters (men 30 lbs, women 20 lbs)

Post number of rounds plus reps to comments

Week 5, Day 1 - SI 6

10 Rounds for time...
300 meters
*60 second recovery

Post times and comments

Week 5 Schedule

One the Agenda...
Short Interval 6
Strength & Conditioning 9
Long Interval 6
Strength & Conditioning 10
Practice Distance: Run for set Time

Week 4, Day 5 - Practice Distance 5

6 Mile Time Trial
(as fast as possible)

Post time to comments

Week 4, Day 4 - SC 8

Front Squats
5,5,5,5,5,5 (increase the load for each of the six sets if possible)

3 Rounds for reps
1 minute - Row (calories) *1 cal = 1 rep
1 minute - Wall Ball (men 20 lbs, women 14 lbs)
1 minute - SDHP (men 1.5 pood, women 1 pood)
1 minute - Box Jumps
1 minute - Push Press (men 55 lbs, women 35 lbs)
1 minute rest
*No rest time between each station!
*max total reps

Post score and total reps to comments

Week 4, Day 3 - LI 5

Run or Row
3 Rounds
12 minutes Time Trials
Rest 3:00 between rounds
*(runners) If distance is not greater than "Week 3 LI" - the penalty is 50 Burpees, 100 Squats.

Post distances to comments

Week 4, Day 2 - SC 7

3 x max reps (90 sec recovery)

3 Rounds for time...
Run 800 meters or Row 1000 meters
50 Situps
50 Hip Extensions

Post scores and times to comments

Week 4, Day 1 - SI 5

3 min ON, 1:30 OFF
4 min ON, 2:00 OFF
5 min ON, 2:30 OFF
6 min ON, 3:00 OFF
7 min ON
*Max accumulated distance

Post distance to comments

Week 4 Schedule

On the Agenda...
Short Interval 5
Strength & Conditioning 7
Long Interval 5
Strength & Conditioning 8
Practice Distance: 6 miles Time Trial

Do you workout or train?
(Post answers to the comments)

Week 3, Day 5 - Practice Distance 4

Run (choices)
1. Run for set time and record distance (see comments)
2. 8 mile Time Trial - as fast as possible

Post distance/time and comments

Week 3, Day 4 - SC 6

Weighted Lunges
3 x 8 steps (4L/4R)
*hold weights anywhere you'd like, but make it as heavy as possible.

As Many Rounds Possible in 20 minutes (AMRAP)
5 Pullups or 12 Body Rows
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Post weights used and number of rounds and reps as well as comments

Week 3, Day 3 - LI 4

3 Rounds of...
9 Minutes Time Trials
Rest 2:00 between Rounds
*These are three 9 minutes all out efforts (we expect the distances you covered to decrease dramatically if you're doing it right).

Post distances and comments

Week 3, Day 2 - SC 5

Sumo Deadlifts
5,5,5,5,5,5 (try increase the weight each of the six sets)

3 Rounds for time...
Row 500 meters
21 Burpees (Don't forget the pushup)
Run 400 meters

Post times and comments

Week 3, Day 1 - SI 4

3 Rounds of...
8 Tabata Rounds (20 seconds ON, 10 seconds OFF)
Rest 3:00 after the first 8 Rounds, and another 3:00 after the second 8 Rounds
*Use a steep hill if possible
**If you're using a treadmill use 10% incline
***If the hill isn't long enough just to your best. If it has to be flat then so be it, just be fast!

Post distances/speeds and comments

Week 3 Schedule

On the Agenda...
Short Interval 4
Strength & Conditioning 5
Long Interval 4
Strength & Conditioning 6
Practice Distance: (choices)
1. You will either run for a specific time I tell you
2. 8 Miles - as fast as possible

*The length of times you run will be in the comments section.

Week 2, Day 5 - Practice Distance 3

4 Mile Time Trial (TT)
*Complete as fast as possible

Post time and comments

Week 2, Day 4 - SC 4

Ab Mat Situps
3 x 1 min - max reps (90 second recoveries)

3 Rounds for time.
20 Calories Row
20 Wall Ball (Men 20 lbs, Women 14 lbs)
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) (Men 75 lbs, women 50 lbs)
20 Box Jumps

Post time and comments

Week 2, Day 3 - LI 3

4 Rounds
1200 meters (0.75 miles)
*1:1 work/rest ratio
(ie. rest for the same amount of time it takes to run

Post time and comments

Week 2, Day 2 - SC 3

Pullups/ Ring Rows
3 x Max Reps (90 second recoveries)

5 Rounds for time.
Run 400 meters
21 Swings
12 Pullups

Post time and comments

Week 2, Day 1 - SI 3

6 Rounds
400 meters (60 second recoveries)
*All efforts w/in 5 seconds of eachother
*15 Burpee penalty

Post time and comments

Week 2 Schedule

On the Agenda...
Short Interval: 3
Strength & Conditioning: 3
Long Interval: 3
Strength & Conditioning: 4
Practice Distance: 4 miles (as fast as possible)

Week 1, Day 5 - Practice Distance 2

3 Miles (M) @ 85% of 5k pace

Post time and comments

Week 1, Day 4 - SC 2

Push Press
5,5,5,5,5 (try to increase the weight each set)

5 Rounds for time.
15 Thrusters (35-50 lbs)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35-50 lbs)
Run 400 meters

Post time and comments

Week 1, Day 3 - LI 2

2 Rounds
2000 meters (1.25 miles)
*hold intervals within 10 seconds
**Penalty is 25 Pushups

Post time and comments

Week 1, Day 2 - SC 1

Back Squats
5,5,5,5,5,5 (try to increase the weight each set)

30-25-20-15-10 reps for time.
Pullups/ Ring Rows

Post time and comments

Week 1, Day 1 - SI 2

3 Rounds for time...
1 Round consits of:
(200 + 400 + 600 meters)
*Rest for same amount of time it takes complete the interval
(ie. If 200 meters takes 30 second, rest for 30 seconds then run 400 meters. That may take 1:15, so rest for 1:15 and run 600 meters. Say that takes 3:00. Then rest 3:00 and repeat start Round 2)

Post time and comments

Week 1 Schedule

On the Agenda...
Short Interval: 2
Strength & Conditioning: 1
Long Interval: 2
Strength & Conditioning: 2
Practice Distance: 3 Miles (M) @ 85% of 5k Pace


Here we go. This is for you.
We now have 23 Weeks to the marathon.
For clarification and for simplicity, we are now calling this week 1!