How this works

Each week you need to complete up to 1 Short Interval (SI), 1 Long Interval (LI), 2 Stregnth & Conditioning routines (SC), and 1 Practice Distance (PD).
You can complete in any order that fits your work and lifestyle the best. Try to come up with some sort of cycle for yourself.

Week 5, Day 1 - SI 6

10 Rounds for time...
300 meters
*60 second recovery

Post times and comments


  1. How do I answer this...slightly more than 299 meters and a few less than 301 meters?!? How about this...a quarter mile is 400 meters.

  2. Haha I posted that without reading the row part, when Connie had pointed out that we were rowing I felt like a retard... but I just did the SI and it took me 21:19 including the recovery. Off for my last final.... Yippee!

  3. my time was 25:20.. My hammies still hurt from those good mornings :(

  4. Nice wok Connie. Way to finish out the first section of training. Take a good week and just do what you can. Remember one extra day off this week and you're right back on track.
