How this works

Each week you need to complete up to 1 Short Interval (SI), 1 Long Interval (LI), 2 Stregnth & Conditioning routines (SC), and 1 Practice Distance (PD).
You can complete in any order that fits your work and lifestyle the best. Try to come up with some sort of cycle for yourself.

Week 5, Day 5 - Practice Distance 6

Run (Choice)
1. 8 mile Time Trial - as fast as possible
2. Run for particular Time (see comments for exact run times)

Post times to comments

1 comment:

  1. Connie, if you choose option 2...Run for 80 minutes easy. Check your distance afterwords.

    Caty, if you choose option 2...Run for 75 minutes easy. Check you distance afterworkds

    These runs are mellow, not a time trail. Should be easy to talk if you had to most of the time.
